Week of 11/6/23 Progress

Hello! Welcome back to the Swampy Seed Farm! These past two weeks have been weeks of great harvest. We finally got eggplant, corn, peppers, and jalapenos. We are still harvesting lots of sunflowers, zinnias, cucumbers, okra, and strawberries! It is very exciting to see all of our hard work come to fruition. Not only is it rewarding but it tastes really good too! Follow along this post to see some of our harvests! 
Pictured here we have 4 beautiful eggplants! They are just marvelous in color. The purple and white striping is so cool. They taste amazing too. This week I have grilled some of it and it is so good. We thought our eggplant was not going to produce because of the herbicide incident so we are very pleased to see this. 

Here we have on of many beautiful bouquets of zinnias. They really brighten up our farm and we love harvesting them for our homes. They never fail to make us smile and they attract many pollinators like butterflies and bees. We are excited to harvest more. 

Pictured here is one of our huge yellow sunflowers. Wow, aren't they stunning? They are so bright and beautiful. We love all the pollinators they attract. They also provide nice shade for some of our cooler season crops. We are looking forward to harvesting more.

Here we have some of our corn! We harvested about 24 corn husks this past Friday. The majority of them are unharmed but some have some worms that have damaged the tops of the husks. We are very glad that we harvested when we did so we could enjoy it. It is so fresh and delicious and we prefer it over store-bought corn any day!!
Here is what we have harvested so far! We hope you enjoyed this blog post. 
- Brittany, Nyx, Aiden, Rebecca, and Savannah 



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