Last Progress Report!

Hello! Welcome back to the Swampy Seed Farm Blog! This is our last progress update of the semester. This semester we have learned what it takes to take care of a farm from start to finish. We loved collaborating with our peers and learning from each-other. We hope you enjoy this final update, thank you for following our journey this semester! 

Shown here is a photo of a ripe strawberry. We have been harvesting so many strawberries! Every time we come to the farm we have at least 5 more strawberries. They are large, sweet, and delicious. We have enjoyed snacking on them and using them in desserts. 

Shown here is a photo of our winter kale. It has come in so nicely and we have reaped a great harvest from these plants. There has been a weed issue among our lettuces and kale. This row has required the most weeding out of any of our rows. We enjoy making kale chips with this kale or just cooking it in a skillet. 

Here in this photo are our orange cherry tomatoes. They have finally bounced back from the herbicide damage and are producing a record amount of tomatoes. These vines have climbed to the top of the trellis section and are not slowing anytime soon. We love snacking on these sweet tomatoes and I am glad they were able to produce after the damage done to them. 

Pictured here is a broccoli head growing. We planted broccoli after we had planted our strawberries and they have existed together seamlessly. There have been no signs of competition or stunted growth due to the close quarters of these plants. We have already harvested some broccoli and it is so delicious! 

Here is our lettuce that is growing so well. It has expanded in size greatly since our last progress report. We have enjoyed having this fresh lettuce for salads and just snacking. We have a lot to harvest and we are excited! It is so crisp and delicious. 

In this photo, we have our beautiful marigolds. The different color varieties really add nice color to the garden. They help keep away unwanted pests in our garden and attract beneficial pollinators. We have loved making bouquets with these flowers. 

This concludes our Swampy Seed Farm Blog. Thank you for keeping up with us and our journey on this incubator farm project. We hope you enjoyed the photos and descriptions.
-Savannah, Brittany, Nyx, Rebecca, Aiden 


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